Friday, February 24, 2017

Introduction to Kundalini: What is Kundalini Yoga? |

Kundalini Yoga is a cohesive dynamic system of great experience that incorporates all the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of yoga.

In its most elementary forms, yoga has been known in the West since the latter part of the nineteenth century. However, when Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to the West in 1968, he brought in an ancient technology whose origins were lost in the clouds of time, a mature technology that had been sharpened and refined in secret, over innumerable generations of teachers and In the temples and monasteries of northern India, Tibet and Nepal, to the level where it is now the most powerful and inclusive of all yogas. Yogi Bhajan firmly believed that everyone should have the opportunity to participate and enjoy their incredible benefits.

Guru Rattan, Ph.D., an avid student of Yogi Bhajan, was encouraged by him to publish collections of his earliest and, many would say, the greatest teachings. Working from class notes and with her fellow student and talented illustrator Ann Marie Maxwell, she produced collections of these teachings organized by real-life themes. His books Transitions to a Heart-Centered World (now reissued in a new, enlarged, second edition), Relax and Renew, Sexuality and Spirituality and the Introduction to Kundalini Yoga have remained best sellers throughout the world to this day. Guru Rattana continues to work on expanding and sharing, writing and video, which she believes is the essence of her teachings. Guru Rattana Online is our video subscription service, suitable for both beginners and students at all levels of practice.

The Kundalini consists of a reservoir of unexploded vital energy or prana that resides at the base of the spine, often symbolized as a spiral serpent or snake, which is latent in most people. Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga this source can be activated and elaborated through the body, energizing each of the seven energy centers or chakras.

During this process, blockages and resistances are overcome, and their energy is raised to higher frequencies, opening their consciousness to expanded realities. The goal is to create a conscious connection with the divine, a union between physical reality and divine consciousness, universal energies and soul, finite and infinite, which can be achieved when this energy reaches the crown chakra at the top of the head.
An Integrated and Cohesive System

Kundalini Yoga is dynamic in its practice, vast in practical information and powerful in its experience. It incorporates the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of yoga into a cohesive and integrated system. It has a much broader emphasis on breathing, meditation, positions of hands or mudras, singing or mantra, and spirituality.

It is based on kriyas, or sets of specially formulated exercises, not just mechanical poses, and the benefits of kriyas are considerably greater than doing random postures - it is much more precise and allows you to target specific benefits and work exactly in those aspects of yourself than They need work at the present time. Some of the sequences can be very intense and physically demanding. However, there are many less demanding but equally effective exercises, suitable for both beginners and others who, for reasons of physiology, age or disability, may need to follow a more moderate and less intense form of practice.

It is the ideal form of yoga for people who want an immediate effect feel good and also the long term benefits of enjoying a relaxed and lifted consciousness. It is safe and effective and can be practiced by almost anyone, no matter their age, physical condition, occupation and experience. Regular practice can greatly reduce time to spiritual awakening.
Regular practice and its rewards

Practice can be addictive - once the effects and benefits are experienced, then the student wants more, so practice becomes largely self-sustaining. The key is to do it gradually, listen to your body, stop when I tell you, but above all, persevere. The student of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation soon becomes expert in perceiving the movement of energy inside and outside his body, and with this consciousness he consciously begins to direct and optimize his flow.

Many new students report immediate benefits - some find they have a more comfortable back and back - some feel more relaxed and better able to handle stress - some find that they have a more positive sense of self and well being. Some report the three and more. The rewards of regular practice can be profound: the mind, body, emotions and spirit are positively affected and elevated. Kundalini Yoga is not a religion, but provides a firm foundation for a spiritual life, regardless of religion, if there is one, you can choose to practice.

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